The Simple, No B.S., Strength In Numbers, No Hassle, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

The Smart Money Lab and  Budget Not Fudge It come with my personal 100% money back guarantee. 

I am very confident thatThe Smart Money Lab and Budget Not Fudge It can help you.  If you take action with the steps we teach, I promise you will see a fantastic return on your investment.  Those who've implemented this process are proof of this promise that I am making to you.

If there is one thing I hate more, it's buying a product that doesn’t meet its needs and feeling like I wasted my time and my money. I don’t want that for you! 

If you do the work, find it's not getting you results, and you are not satisfied within 30 days of your enrollment, I will refund 100% of your money.  Your refund will be submitted immediately, and your money will be back in your account within 5-7 business days.


  1. You made the choice not to use the product you purchased.
  2. You didn't put in effort to learn and apply the materials and support provided.
  3. You changed your mind about the purchase after 30 days.
  4. Your request for a refund is 30 days after your purchase.

Questions? Email me at [email protected]


Jeremy Edmonds
Owner & Financial Wellness Coach